Behavior Modification Group Classes

Classes are held at our indoor facility in Spanish Fork
Our next class will begin Wed, Feb 6th at 6PM

The address is: 5310 S 3200 W Spanish Fork, Utah 84660


  • Dogs must be fully vaccinated (Normally around 14-16 weeks of age depending on veterinarian. Must have rabies, distemper/parvo, and bordetella vaccines.) 
  • Any breed / Any size.
  • No maximum age.
  • Overly nervous and fearful dogs.
  • Aggressive or reactive to other dogs, NOT humans.
  • No human aggressive dogs allowed.

If your dog does not have aggression or reactivity towards other dogs click here.​

A better dog is just 6 weeks away.

bEGINNER Course Curriculum
  • Socialization – We teach you how to properly socialize your dog. This is often done incorrectly and leads to fearful behaviors, aggression and other bad behaviors. *TIP – Dog parks are one of the worst ways to socialize a puppy or dog*
  • Confidence building – You will see this repeat in all of our courses… That is how important we feel it is! 
  • Engagement – This too… This is an important skill for all dogs to learn. This gives us the ability to ask for focus even around distractions.
  • Obedience – We cover come, sit, down, bed, heel(walking next to your side with a loose leash) and stay. This is done with food through positive reinforcement and with a leash and collar.
  • Impulse Control – Teach your dog to follow commands around distractions.
  • And more – We answer your questions to help give your dog the best life possible!
Beginner - dogs 5 months and older
$600 For 6 weeks
$500 for 6 weeks
INTERMEDIATE Course Curriculum
  •  Confidence building – You will see this repeat in all of our courses… That is how important we feel it is! Getting your dog exposed to agility equipment, loud noises, weird floor surfaces etc.
  • Engagement – This too… This is an important skill for all dogs to learn. This gives us the ability to ask for focus even around distractions.
  • Obedience – In this course we take all of the obedience learned in our Beginner Course and take it to the next level. Come on command at a distance, down stay at a distance, heeling with a loose leash around distractions, bed stay with distractions.
  • Off-leash foundation – We start to work on basic off-leash obedience.
  • Socialization – We continue socialization and work on politely greeting friendly strangers.
  • And more – We answer your questions to help give your dog the best life possible!
aDVANCED Course Curriculum
  •  Confidence building – You will see this repeat in all of our courses… That is how important we feel it is! 
  • Engagement – This too… This is an important skill for all dogs to learn. This gives us the ability to ask for focus even around distractions.
  • Obedience – In this course we continue the progress with off-leash obedience and adding more heavy distractions.
  • Distractions – Bicycles, joggers, running dogs, barking dogs, throwing toys and more.
  • New skills – Touch or place, eye contact, walking backward, and come to heel position on command.
  • And more – We answer your questions to help give your dog the best life possible!
$500 for 6 weeks